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The Best Under Eye Patch that I've Tried, and it was Only $3.99

Imagine only getting your usual 5 hours of sleep and waking up with refreshed glowing skin; as if, you've just come from a week long vacation in Montego Bay, Jamaica. In a perfect world that would be the case, but for some of us a repeated 5 hours of nightly rest takes a toll on our skin. And tired eyes are never in! Luckily the brilliant people behind the development of skincare products, created under eye patches. (They are the love of my life!)

Under eye patches work to rejuvenate the delicate under eye skin. Boy, do they come in handy on mornings when my eyes tell the world that I am suffering from a lack of sleep.

Pop those bad boys underneath your eyes if they appear puffy, have dark circles, or fine lines. Under eye patches work quickly. Applying them in the mornings while you get dressed will be enough time for the patches to effectively work.

The down side of under eye patches are that they can get a bit pricey, and I'm talking $50 pricey. (Ain't nobody got time for that. Okay!) If y'all didn't know, I am the "budget, drugstore, skincare product, shopping Queen" so, hopefully this will save you some coins.

Story Time...

I'm in Target doing my usual shopping, and I come across an eye mask by Vitamasques, "Goggle Eye Mask". I was honestly sold off of the name and the starry packaging. (I am a sucker for creative product packaging.) I grab this eye mask (that is only $3.99 by the way) side eyeing it like, "I know this is not going to work because of the price, but your girl is going to try it anyway." After doing my usual skincare routine steps, I applied the "Goggle Eye Mask". (Prior to moisturizing.) The directions said to leave the mask on for 10 minutes, but I ended up leaving mine on for 30 minutes. (I lost track of time scrolling through TikTok. It's an addiction that I'm working on. Don't judge!)

During the 30 minute application, the mask felt great. It was cool and refreshing. I did have to adjust the mask a couple of times because it slid a little. The mask is shaped like a super hero mask with silver stars all of over, which was pretty cool to my nerd side.

After removing the mask, I rubbed in any excess serums. And I absolutely loved my results. Shocking, right! I honestly didn't think a $3.99 eye mask from Target would do anything but I stand corrected. The skin around my eyes looked amazing. It was glowing and rejuvenated. I experience puffiness and dark under eyes when I haven't had a lot of sleep and this mask was perfect for me. I would definitely buy this product over and over again. I am all about saving a dollar, so Target here I come.

Disclaimer: If you've never worn an eye mask or under eye patches then I'm here to warn you that they are usually cold and slimy.

Under Eye Patch Tip: Consistency is KEY! For best results I recommend applying a mask or patches twice a week.


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